June 4, 2011

Spring (or rather "Summer") Awakening

Summertime-- It invokes laziness, carefree attitudes, and lots of watermelon eating. Last week, I graduated high school and turned 18. On one hand, I'm excited about what it means to be eighteen. I'm excited to go to college. I'm excited to be a Mark representative (http://mgoins.mymarkstore.com/). At the same time, learning how to budget has been a terrifying experience. Thinking about paying for thousands of dollars towards my education is scary. Thinking about how hard it will be to get into law school is scary. The funny thing? Despite all this, I know I'm ready to grow up.

Summer is a time when our expectations change. We push ourselves socially, mentally, and sometimes even physically. Weight loss, reading, finding adventure--these are all very common things on a person's summer to-do list. This year, I have realized that I'm not going to live forever. I can't just keep put things off until next summer, or next year. I can't even wait until tomorrow. When my brother was in high school, a good friend of his died. At that point, he had realized all the experiences he had missed due to fear (see article here http://goinswriter.com/overcome-fear/). I don't want to wait for someone to die, or to have a near-death experience. I don't need a moment of enlightening to make me realize pretty soon I'll be out of this town. And my grandmother is getting old. And my little brother is growing up. Time is never going to stop ticking, but I can control whether or not the ticking is the beating of my heart, or a timer waiting for me to expire.

This summer, I'm going to tackle those things that I always said I would do. I'm going to take steps being the "me" I always wanted to be. Cheesy, I know, but hey, what if we only have until December 21, 2012?

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