December 20, 2012

The World is Ending?

Is the world ending tomorrow?

I probably picked the wrong day to watch the History Channel, but here I am watching end of the world theories. The Hopi people, Nostradamus, the Mayans, the book of Revelation, and the Quran refer to many similar catastrophes that end the world. 

I have to ask myself, though, what if the world ends tomorrow? What will I regret doing? Or rather, not doing? 

Will I be disappointed that I never got to go skydiving? Or that I never told the guy I liked how I felt? Maybe, I'll regret not going to Spain sooner.

For some reason, I think the things I will regret are a little more personal. I regret not fighting for a relationship with my grandparents. I regret not calling Patrick everyday. I regret not telling my entire family how much they mean to me...every single day.

What I regret more than anything, though, is any mean thing I've ever said. I regret the times I talked bad about people I didn't know because they didn't dress well. I regret being rude to my teachers in middle school. I regret telling my parents I've hated them. I regret calling my sister stupid. I regret making jokes at others' expenses. 

I regret behaving in any way that doesn't reflect love.

If the world ends tomorrow, actually, I want you to know this if the world doesn't end as well--I just want you all to know that you are loved. I want you to know that you matter, that you have a purpose in this world.

I want all the men to stand up and believe in something greater than themselves. I want them to be strong, for their [future] families and every woman in their lives.I want all the women to know that they are beautiful. I want them to know that they are wanted. I want them, also, to believe in something because if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything. 

If I could tell you all anything, it would be to love. If If I could tell the world just one thing, it's be "we're all okay. "

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