October 5, 2011

Where Do I Go From Here?

There is just not enough time in a day.

This morning, my brother and I were having a discussion about what I was meant to do with my life because honestly, I don't know. I thought I wanted to be a lawyer. I thought I wanted to be attend law school, become a lawyer or a politician, and live the American dream, but with a spin. I want to make a lot of money and do a lot of money, but what if that's not for me anymore? What do you do when your dreams start to change? Welcome to college...


  1. this is all very healthy and good. proud of you. these struggles are part of the process.

  2. It's funny, I wrote a song for my band about two years ago called "where do we go from here?" the song is about accomplishing dreams and finding out they were not as fullfilling and the daily struggle of remaining true to oneself. Part of the lyrics is a quote by e.e. cummings; "to be no one but yourself in a world that is trying its best day and night to turn you into everyone else means to fight the hardest battle that any man can fight and never stop fighting" I've realized that that many things that I desire for my life today are very different than things I wanted after highschool. I used to be so focused on proving myself to others but now I just try look inside to find my identity. I keep asking myself, David, what do you really want? what burns your heart?? I dont see myself as a rockstar anymore or even an acclaimed architect, I wanna share my music with small groups of people bringing them hope, maybe even design a low expense housing solution for people in need... one thing I know I want for sure and that is to be guided by God through out my life...
