July 5, 2011

Justice for All?

We all learned the Pledge of Allegiance in grade school. We all know how it ends, "with Liberty and justice for all." Our country was founded on freedom, but does it still seek that freedom today? Was there justice for Caylee Anthony?

A little girl was murdered by her mother. Or that's at least what we all think. Honestly, it doesn't matter how this little girl died now. The trial is over. The important point is that a little girl died well before her time...and that is what breaks my heart.

I'm not going to sit here and write about how someone ought to give her mother what she deserves, or say, "screw you, America" or many of the various things floating around social networks and common conversations. My opinion doesn't matter on this case. No one cares if Marissa thinks that she was guilty.

What I am going to do is encourage my friends and the rest of America to do something about it. Sure, we can't change the verdict on the Anthony trial, but we can help in other ways. That's not to say that everyone needs to quit their job and go to law school, but instead, how can you provide justice in your own life? In the lives of those around you? What about those fighting for our freedom in other countries? Or organizations like Amnesty International which is dedicated to protecting human rights?

Don't just blab on Facebook. Do something about it. Call lawmakers and email your representatives. Your opinion only means something when you make it mean something.Take a stand for what you believe in and fight until the end. Fight for justice. Fight for Jesus. Fight for Caylee. Whatever you're fighting for, never stop fighting. There will be justice in the end. 

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