February 11, 2009

I need you like water, like breathe, like rain.

There's comes a time when all we want is everything. I think I've reached that point. We become unsatisfied with our lives, trying desperately to make it "better." Do we need to fix our lives, or be content with what they offer? A mother only wants her child to have a better life, so is it bad for a child to pursue it?

Material things won't make us happy, but how wrong are they? Is it wrong to just want something convenient? To desire things that will give you better experiences or help you along the way? Now, it doesn't sound too bad, does it?

Deprivation, how can we determine it? We could simply state it as not getting the things you need, but let's take it a step further. What do you need? Food, water, shelter, Christ? Beyond that how to you determine what is a necessity and what is not? What is a cell phone, for example? Everyone has one (exception of me, at least for right now), but people got along for years and years without them, right? Guess we don't really need those. What about new clothes? Yeah, so we look poor in those holey jeans that are a little too tight. We don't NEED to buy new clothes then, do we? Is it a matter between life or death?

With the way things are today, it is hard to imagine what it's like to really fight for our life. We see the homeless everyday, but never take a minute to think what really happened. They have a story, just like the rest of us. Maybe one day, you will take a minute and listen. They are living a life far more unsafe then we really see. The last thing on their mind is the hottest cell phone, or the nicest clothes. They just want some food, or warmth. That's not to mention how unsafe it is. Think of being a child and your mother constantly caring where you go. Why did she do those things? To protect you from the world. Well, imagine living with the terrors of the world every day. Your mother was right, you can't trust the world.

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