November 17, 2013

You're the Best

You're my favorite. 
You're my best friend.
You're the only one I can tell everything to.

I don't believe it would be much of an exaggeration to say that as a society we like superlatives. We like to feel that we have a special connection with a certain person. We like to think that compared to the other 8 billion people in  the world we are special. 

I don't really have a "best friend"--I have about five. I don't have one person that I go to for absolutely everything. When I'm upset, I don't always seeks comfort in the same person--I'll call whomever knows and understands the most about my situation that week.

Don't get me wrong--it's not that I am incapable of or do not desire long-lasting close relationships. That couldn't be any further from the truth. I'm just saying that I haven't found "my person." I don't have one person that I cannot live without. At some point, to some extent, I've had to learn to live without every single person in my life. 

I've virtually lived by myself for the past three years. I don't see my parents or siblings more than twice a semester (and that's if we are lucky). One of my closest friends is a girl that I met at church camp, whom I haven't seen in eight years. I've been involved in a few complicated, long distance relationships and I was always the one to fight to make it work. I have spent two summer and a few long holiday breaks away from my sorority family. These times hurt, but I always make it through.

The truth is, distance does not phase me much. I don't think that being away from someone makes them any less important in my life. I don't think that there's one person I cannot live without because is reality, every relationship we have is fleeting. With time, we can learn to live without just about anyone, if that's asked of us.

Maybe this is too depressing for you. For me, though, it is a reality and not one that I find sad. Am I saying my relationships are worthless? No. Am I saying that I don't miss my family or my friends? Absolutely not. I'm just saying that as I embark on the next phase of my life, there is no need to worry about me.

Next semester, I'm moving to Europe for four myself. And that's okay. Am I scared? Maybe a little, but I don't think about it much. I think about how I have been given a once in a lifetime chance. I think about how I will have the opportunity to spend a semester being 100 percent selfish.

Am I going to cry because I'm homesick? Possibly. However, I am confident that I will fill my life with new people, friends I may never see again. I will find friends to travel with, laugh with, and share a drink with.

Wouldn't it be a shame to hold onto something here while I'm experiencing all that?

In January, when the sun rises on me, it will be setting on my family and friends here in the States. However, the opposite is true as well. Everyone will continue to grow apart from me while I grow...and that's okay. They can keep each other company because when you leave no one behind, you leave everyone behind.

*Photo found on Google Images

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