December 28, 2010

To Save a Life

"What's the point of all this if it's not going to change you?"

I just finished watching the movie To Save a Life. I could probably say it's the best movie I've ever watched. I could probably say it's the best movie ever made. Either way, this movie is changing me.

Jake Taylor has it all. He's captain of the basketball team. He's got the girl of his dreams. He's been offered a scholarship at his dream school. What more could a high school senior want? The kid who had it all learned what it was like to lose it all, and then gain something far greater. (see synopsis, trailers, and character information here

Watching this movie, I couldn't help but wonder-am I one of those Christians? Am I just another sin on Friday, repent on Sunday kind of person? I never believed I was, but now I am beginning to wonder.

When was the last time I stepped out of my comfort zone for the sake of someone else? Sure, I'm friendly. I talk to people, but when has I really attempted to build a relationship with someone that I wasn't easily friends with? Is this changing me? Is it changing me permanently?

The love and joy I have received through Christ will never fade, never weaken, but do people see it? Do people look at me and say, "she perfectly represents Jesus"? I don't think so, not given my recent actions.

I'm not looking for compliments. I'm not looking to criticize the church. I am just asking one question, "what's the point of all this if it's not going to change you?"

December 6, 2010

Too much, too little

Too much, too much, too little.
Too much, too much too little.
Never offering enough, always holding too much.
Look closely but please don't see.
the whispers, the shouting, the laughing,
the deceit.
words are just words, and thoughts are too much
we can never give away
what we see, what we do
secrets can only kindle,
but keep such a fire warm