Have you ever been scared to check your credit card statement? Have you ever had to transfer money into your account to buy something for less than ten dollars? Have you been on a ramen noodle diet against your will? Have you ever considered sketchy activities as a means of income?
Then chances are you're a college student.
Can I get an amen?
The truth is, though, I'm not really poor. I'm actually quite blessed. I'm not starving (at least not in the Ethiopian child kind of way). I have a roof over my head. I have clothes to keep me warm. And if we're being honest, I'm not even struggling that much. I may have a hard time buying groceries sometimes, but I never go without. However, I don't have much of a disposable income.
Why? I just choose to spend my money in ways that others don't. I choose to spend my money on my education. I choose to spend my money to help grow my sisterhood. I choose to spend my money by going on the trip of lifetime.
As I lie in bed, stretching out my aching feet, I am happy with the choices I've made and the life I have chosen for myself. No, I didn't want to spend my only break from school making minimum wage at my high school job. No, I didn't want to work 25 hours in three days when I need to be studying for finals. No, I didn't want to spend an entire paycheck on gas to go to Houston only to spend 15 minutes talking to someone through a service window.
I want to go to Spain, though. I want to live in Europe for four months and unfortunately, that isn't free. It takes thousands of dollars, dozens of documents, and a million tasks that seem meaningless, BUT that is the cost of achieving my dream.
I do things that not everyone does because I'm making sacrifices that not everyone is willing to make. As irritating as it can be, I would not have it any other way. Today, I'm making minimum wage, but it won't be long until I'm looking at La Alhambra. It won't be long until I'm drinking sangria with every meal. It won't be long until all my dreams come true.
La Alhambra, Granada, Spain |
Tell me, what isn't that worth?
*Picture found on Google Images
So proud! I hope it has been worth it! -LN4