June 24, 2011

Want to Change the World? Do it.

"So you want to start a revolution? Well, you know, we all want to change the world."

Yeah, that's a great thought, but what if we really did?

or come up with your own project! How can you help TODAY? How can you make a difference? How are you already helping out your community, state, country, or world? 

Need suggestions? Or have a suggestion? Leave a comment with your thoughts.

*I am a aware that the sound and video quality don't match up and I am looking into this. Thanks for being supportive, guys!


  1. Hey, so I am so glad to hear about this. My mom has ovarian cancer, for the third time, she is less than 1%. She was supposed to have her third chemo today, but could not because she needs more bone marrow. Thanks so much!

  2. You're welcome. I just want to help out however I can. I had no idea your mom had cancer:/ praying for her, sweet girl!

  3. Signs and symptoms of Ovarian Cancer Checkout here
